Hey all,
Here are more photo's for your viweing delight. These wrap up what has been a rollercoaster of a year; with the lowest lows and the highest highs.
I left you last time with pictures of my travel week. I have to admit that after that i mainly studied for my end of year exams, or i at least attempted to :p.
There were are few major fires during exam season.
These pictures are from practises during the term.
Well done Mali who ran it this year. You are Beyonce.
Co-Year Kate's Birthday
Study Time.

Here are more photo's for your viweing delight. These wrap up what has been a rollercoaster of a year; with the lowest lows and the highest highs.
I left you last time with pictures of my travel week. I have to admit that after that i mainly studied for my end of year exams, or i at least attempted to :p.
There were are few major fires during exam season.
These pictures are from practises during the term.
Beating to make a fire wall.
Sunset break.
In all my fineary.
End of Term Dance Show.
Hip Hop CAS shaking what their mother's gave them.Well done Mali who ran it this year. You are Beyonce.
Mud Sliding in Holi.
Co-Year Kate's Birthday
Kate all excited.
A group of us went to a hotel over the weekend to celebrate.
Here is a selfie from the event.
I got to experience the spectactular that is a Indian Wedding, as one was being held at the hotel.
Study Time.
Patricia and i, going crazy after studying.
Brit's on the way to the Academic area.
Going crazy in the Library. Thankfull for the AC though.
Finished Exams.
Cake and fruit at the food and Open mike we put on for our Second Years.
Patricia(Portugal), Shaibyaa(Nepal), Me, Urshala(Nepal) and Shreya(Bangalore). My extended roomates.
Graduation 2014.
First years singings Greenday, Time of your life, for Second Years.

Decision finalised. These cool people have the pleasure of spending next year stuck in a room with me.
Patricia and Shreya, my 2014-15 roomates.
Brit's Nara, Kate, Saloni and i.
Elize (Holland) and i.

Dae Yong(Pune and South Korea) and i.
Wada 4 first years.
Adrian(Spain), Aaditya(Hong Kong), Salah(Jordan), Chetan(Delhi), Shreya(Bangalore), i, Patricia(Portugal), Shreeansh(Nepal) and Neil(Canada, Dubai).
Adrian(Spain), Aaditya(Hong Kong), Salah(Jordan), Chetan(Delhi), Shreya(Bangalore), i, Patricia(Portugal), Shreeansh(Nepal) and Neil(Canada, Dubai).
Some pictures from home stays in Bhadass from the start of the year.

I, Ameila and Numaya. After the girls had dressed us in Sari's, we were ready for our close up.
I also visited a village close to here at the end of the year. I visited the beautiful house of my roomate Jyoti. It was great to see her family and how she lives outside of campus. I am so happy for her as she has been accepted into UWCPearson in Canada. I hope she has the best two year and doesn't find it too cold.
I found my best friend.
Traveling after Graduation.
In Goa for a week then to Bombay for a few days before leaving for home.
Here at Agonda beach with Aaditya.
After a short break at home, Alison and i travelled to Aix en Provence in France. We stayed with Julia, Ali's friend from UWCCR.
Here Julia and i.
Here Julia and i.
Alison and i.
As the summer continues and so does the travelling, i remember how fun and exciting this past year has been. Although stressfull and tireing at times, i have done so many things i am thrilled to have done. This year has been completely unexpecting in the best possible way. Can't wait to see what the next year holds :D.
Sarah :D.
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