Tuesday, 23 December 2014

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Namaste Saathi Haru,

Here's pictures to show i survived third term in MUWCI yay. Sorry for the late post, i was trying to survive my third term.

I write this from the cold winter of Nepal. I am here all winter break and so will see Christmas and New Year from the foothills of the mountains in Kathmandu.

I hope you enjoy pictures of some of the times i remember dearly from the past few months.

My Parents Visited India

My Parents on campus at MUWCI.

In a cafe in Pune.
Eating paper thin dosa (typical south Indian dish). Even my dad found it hard to finish.
In my Christmas present: UWC onesie.


Every year there is sports tournerment at MUWCI between the wadas.
Here my wada 4 team and supporters after winning a frisbee match.

Chetan (India), me, Therese (Norway), and Satish (HK) went to see Martin Garix in concert in Mumbai. It was a good break from all the work.

Every year the school holds MUWCI Fest as part of one of the events Community Fund holds to raise money for staff and workers from the surrounding area.
Here is Disha (Mauritis) and I posing at the event.

Brit Christmas get together

On the last week before college ended, the Brit's got together with custard creams, tea and Christmas pudding to celebrate the end of term and start of Christmas.
My chocolate and paper advent calendars along side christmas cards from my family i got in the post. Here's proof i got them in time and thank you.

Christmas dinner at the head teachers house.
To further celebrate Christmas, all students and faculty gathered at the head's house for a dinner. The dinner had both the Western and Eastern flavours of Christmas and was really good food. We all dressed up and so the dinner was a great photo oppotunity.
From left to right: Nara, me, Patty, Shreya, Parag (Maths teacher and Wada Parent), Urshila, Luis, Martina, Phuntsho, Alvero and Geireann.

We completed third term selfie
After packing and leaving campus, a group of us went to Mumbai for a few days before catching our next flights.
From back to front: Luis, Carissa, Patty, Salah, Maria and me (happy in Mumbai).

Since i am spending my winter break here and it is not over yet, i will be adding pictures during the coming weeks.

For the first few days i stayed at Urshila's house.
This is the spectacular view from her roof.

Me looking all hipster into the distance.
Typical Nepali food at Urshila's.
My excited face before trying my first momo.
Meeting with some MUWCI Nepali's.
Shaibya (2nd year and roomie last year), Mahima (3rd Year), Saurya (2nd Year), Shreansh (current student in my batch).

Lot's of love and Christmas wishes from Nepal to bring the year to a end,

Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Nearly there!


Sorry for not posting in a long time, the past few months have been extremely hectic and work intense. My third semester at UWCCR is officially over and December break is finally here! This semester has been a hard one with a lot of work and university applications and general uwc stress. However, in retrospect I am pleased with what I have done and I am looking forward to the last leg of my uwc experience. Although I am sad that time is running out, I will make the most of the little time I have left.

I am currently visiting Barbados for December break, and staying with my Bajan's Maia and Kayleigh! I have never visited the Caribbean islands before but I can now say Barbados is hot hot hot and extremely beautiful.

As always, here are some non-academic pictures to sum up my past few months so that you can see what I have experienced.

This is one out of two La Carpio sessions I have recently done. In this picture the topic of the day was sustainability. In the recent session we played games and focused on the competency of healthy lifestyle, we then had a Christmas party!

A school party!

I went to the fishing village, Tarcoles! We stopped at a beach and walked to this amazing waterfall!

Catching fish on the fishing boat!

Here is just some of the huge fish that can be found.

I helped chair the Human Rights Committee for UWCR's Model United Nations. In this we discussed the issues of human trafficking, street children's rights and LGBT rights. 

The MUN team!

We have an evening called Blind Date in which a second year gets paired up with a first year, but the first year does not know who the second year is. This is in order to talk to someone who may not have before and have a good time. I was paired with lovely Diego from Mexico. I surprised him and took him to dinner!
My action this semester was basketball. Here I played a game in Heredia and from which I learned many Spanish basketball phrases!

Out for Dilly's birthday!
Service Day! My service was helping maintain Poas National Park. This is the group  I was with in-front of the Poas volcano.

Exploring the national park, here at one of the volcanoes acidic lakes.
Poas volcano, at the centre of the national park!

Roomie outing! Squier (Swiss), Narula (Indian), and I out for some food <3
HALLOWEEN OOOO! I was a ghost for an entire day. 

We had one long weekend for a break in which most of use went to the Caribbean town of Puerto Viejo and rented a beautiful house there! Here is a sloth which we saw regularly!

This is the beach which attached to our property in Puerto Viejo!

At the Costa Rican premier of the 'UWC Spirit' film made by the UWCCR alumni Andres Broennimann about the UWC experience.
https://www.facebook.com/theuwcspirit?fref=ts   - The Facebook page
http://vimeo.com/114555061 - The free full version of the film on vimeo ( Look out for me at 36.57!!)

Pietro (Brazil), Amiya (India), Sebastian (Costa Rica) and I at the premier!

Picnic for Pietro's birthday.

I found a café named 'Murray' in San José!

December break in Barbados! The first time I go to the beach this beauty swims right next to me! I seized the opportunity and took a video of the turtle :)

A picture of what my December break consists of. 
With a monkey on the beach!

Meeting Simon Cowell on the beach!!!

Now I will explore Barbados more and finish some school work. Then onto the last half of the year to prepare for things like the musical, my art exhibition, mocks and random beautiful excursions around Costa Rica.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!

Until next time,
Alison :)